Code of Conduct

TACA Storm™ players, coaches, parents, and fans must keep in mind one single theme: you may be the only Gospel that someone ever sees or hears. Be a class act. Therefore, we will do everything in our power to represent Him well.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following code of conduct when attending or participating in any TACA Storm™ function:
  • Players will respect coaches and parents and do as they ask.
  • Players will learn from mistakes, practice self-control, never quit, and work hard, even when no one is watching.
  • No matter the score, inning, period, or time left in the game, Players will always hustle and give best efforts, because the team deserves it.
  • Players will take practice and at-home drills seriously, as opportunities to become a better player.
  • Players will embrace any role or position assigned by a coach, and will not complain, recognizing that (i) each player is part of a team and must do what is necessary for the team, and (ii) playing time and position are earned by mastering skills at home and demonstrating them at practice and games.
  • Players will always support, encourage, and celebrate with all teammates, with a helpful and courteous attitude, with no sarcasm or demeaning tone or language.
  • Players will never taunt or demean the opposing team or its players, coaches, or fans.
  • Players and parents will not use profanity or any illegal substance, always providing a good example and representing TACA Storm™ with class.
  • Players and parents will practice good sportsmanship before, during, and after games, and treat all teammates, opposing players, officials, coaches, and fans with respect.
  • Players and parents will respect decisions made by officials, recognizing that negative reactions may reflect poorly on Player, Parent, TACA Storm™, and, most importantly, Jesus Christ.
  • Players and parents will handle winning with class and losing with grace.
  • Players will never throw uniforms or equipment in anger, as this is an unsafe, selfish display of poor self-control and bad sportsmanship.
  • Players will respect practice and game facilities, will not damage equipment, and will clean up following events, even if the mess was made by others. TACA Storm™ is a group of servant leaders.
  • Players will remain with the team during games at all times unless approved by a coach.
  • Players and Parents will continue to represent TACA Storm™ well by their off-the-field conduct, specifically including communications with other TACA Storm™ families, with the public, and on social media, in a way that honors Jesus Christ and is respectful, encouraging, and uplifting. Players and parents will not profane, tear down, gossip about, or criticize TACA Storm™ teammates, parents, or coaches, or opposing teams, parents, coaches, or fans.
  • Parents will allow the coaches to coach, and will refrain from engaging with players and coaches during games, other than encouraging cheers or in the event of physical injury. From the time each Player arrives for warmup until each Player is released by the coach following the game, parents will, and will remind other parents and fans to, stay in the “fan area” and away from the bench, dugout, and Players. In the event of an emergency requiring in-game communication with a Player, Parent will first communicate with a coach.
  • Parents will ensure that the behavior of any guests parents or Players invites to attend a TACA Storm™ event is consistent with this Code of Conduct.
  • Players and parents will handle conflicts and concerns in a respectful, biblical way.