TACA Storm™ Baseball

TACA Eligibility

Texas Alliance of Christian Athletes (TACA) operates grade-based athletic programs for homeschooled students in grades 6 through 12, including varsity, junior varsity (JV), and middle school teams.

In general, to be eligible to participate in a TACA program, players must:

  • Be “homeschooled,” receiving primary educational direction through the home and a parent or legal guardian.
    • Further, at least 50% of each player’s academic instruction must come from a combination of classes taught (i) at home by parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or an older adult sibling (which may include audio, video, and online resources), (ii) by an independent instructor or tutor as directed by the parent, (iii) at a homeschool co-op as directed by the parent, (iv) at any location where homeschoolers gather to receive contracted educational services from volunteers and/or hired teachers, and where the parent manages the transcript and diploma of the particular student, or (v) through “distance" learning programs, such as Bob Jones, Abeka, Texas Tech High School, K12.com, or other non-local high school-level correspondence program, where classes are directed by a parent at home.
    • Classes taught at a community college and “distance” program administered by a local public or charter school do not meet the above criteria.
  • Not be enrolled in more than 9 hours of dual-credit and/or college courses in a semester.
  • Not graduate from a homeschool, public, or private high school prior to that season's first game.
  • Pass all academic courses to the administering parent or legal guardian’s full satisfaction and enforcement.
  • Be at least 11 years old, and no older than 19 years old, on September 1 of the school year in which they desire to participate in a TACA program.

Because many people define “homeschooled” differently, TACA provides the following guidelines to assist in determining eligibility to participate in TACA programs:

  • Students enrolled full-time in public school, charter school, private school, or university model school are generally not eligible.
  • Students enrolled in public school, charter school, private school, or university model school for less than 50% of their academic courses, and who do not participate in such other school’s athletic programs, are generally eligible so long as they meet other criteria.
  • Students enrolled in college-level courses, including dual-credit, are generally eligible so long as they meet other criteria.
  • Students enrolled in, or who utilize resources from, distance learning programs, independent instructors or tutors, educational co-ops, and online-based programs directed by a parent or legal guardian are generally eligible so long as they meet other criteria.

While TACA generally adheres to the above eligibility standards, TACA recognizes that certain unique situations call for individual review. Examples of unique situations include:

  • TACA teams are typically comprised of players who reside in North Texas. However, in some instances players from outside the area who demonstrate a commitment to attending TACA events may be added to a TACA roster.
  • TACA generally limits varsity rosters to players in grades 9-12. However, in some instances qualified 8thgrade players who are taking one or more high school level classes may be added to a varsity roster.
  • TACA generally does not roster players who have left another school or homeschool athletic program during an athletic season in the current academic year, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. However, in some instances such players may be added after review of pro-actively disclosed facts around such circumstances.
  • TACA generally does not add players to its baseball rosters after January 1 for the spring season. However, in some instances players may be added later if circumstances warrant.

In these and any situations that warrant individual review, TACA will gather all relevant information for review by the team’s head coach, the sport director, and the TACA board. The authority to make a final determination on rostering will rest with the team’s head coach, after receiving advice and counsel from the sport director and the TACA board.

Third-Party Eligibility

From time to time, TACA teams may compete against teams or participate in events operated by third-parties that establish their own eligibility criteria. In the event a third-party’s eligibility criteria differ from TACA’s, it is possible the third-party may deem individual TACA players ineligible for specific games or events. While TACA desires for its players to participate in such events, TACA will always provide accurate information to and cooperate with all inquiries from such third-parties related to eligibility of TACA players.


Our approach is simple. As a non profit organization, TACA Storm™ can put competitive baseball teams on the field for $980 per player in the spring, with an additional $465 for the fall season, by being good stewards of our resources. We offer payment plans, and our young men can pay for the fees directly or, as nearly all our athletes choose, participate in our various fundraising programs.

Part of our job as parents is to make certain our young men are financially independent and responsible. For these lessons to take root, they cannot begin when they have finished high school. Mom and Dad can’t always be the answer to their financial issues. About 1/3 of our players are able to make enough money to cover 100% of their baseball expenses and another 1/3 make enough to pay 50%.

Fees are paid through TeamSnap, which accepts credit and debit cards.

Texas Alliance of Christian Athletes is a 501(c)(3) and a Texas non profit corporation.