
Coach Darby lives what he believes – that baseball is a family affair.  He has shared the game of baseball his entire life and continues to do so.  Coach Darby has a timeline of highlights to show for his efforts and work.  Recently, he has coached with the Dulins Dodgers baseball club, but has also worked with organizations such as Stix and Dallas Patriots.  In fact, Coach Billy Viars and he used to practice their teams together and help each other on game days albeit their team ages being 5 years apart.  If you want to really watch him smile and tell you a great story, just ask him about his beloved Sooners.  Coach Darby was a member of the 1992 Oklahoma team that made it to Omaha.  In the 2022 season, his oldest son, Braden, got the same experience as he helped the Sooners make it back to Omaha for the College World Series.  To complete the family circle, this spring OU will take the field with both Braden and his younger brother, Easton (catcher), on the Sooner roster.  #BOOMER
Darby Carmichael