
Our approach is simple. As a non profit organization, TACA Storm™ can put competitive baseball teams on the field for $950 per player in the spring, with an additional $450 for the fall season, by being good stewards of our resources. We offer payment plans, and our young men can pay for the fees directly or, as nearly all our athletes choose, participate in our various fundraising programs.
Part of our job as parents is to make certain our young men are financially independent and responsible. For these lessons to take root, they cannot begin when they have finished high school. Mom and Dad can’t always be the answer to their financial issues. About 1/3 of our players are able to make enough money to cover 100% of their baseball expenses and another 1/3 make enough to pay 50%.
Fees are paid through TeamSnap, which accepts credit and debit cards.
Texas Alliance of Christian Athletes is a 501(c)(3) and a Texas non profit corporation.